Sunday, November 11, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
On Nov. 6, vote for an independent voice for Holyoke's Ward 3
Polling Places:
Ward 3A: 490 South Street Elmwood Fire Station
Ward 3B: Joseph Metcalf School 2019 Northampton St

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Letter of support from Shannen Anthony
My name is Shannen Anthony and I am a fifth generation Holyoke resident. My family has owned businesses in the canal district in the past including the Hotel Hamilton. Some of my relatives perished in the Precious Blood Church fire of 1875. Holyoke, to me, symbolizes hardworking families who have built this city into what used to be the most beautiful thriving city of it's day. I would like to see Holyoke as the place it used to be. A great community to raise children, less crime, great schools, thriving downtown businesses, and most of all I would like to see my children and their children continuing the family tradition of being able to make a good life for themselves here in Holyoke. We need good people who understand the value of what this city has accomplished in it's past and what it still has to offer for it's future.
Richard Purcell is the only candidate in Ward 3 who will help begin the process of reviving our beautiful city. The reason we decided to vote for Rick is because first and foremost he was the only person ever to come to our home and introduce himself and tell us what he is all about and what he sees for our community. He has a genuine interest in the people of Holyoke and not political standing. He is a hardworking individual, like myself and my husband, and Holyoke needs a person who understands what our community needs because he witnesses first hand what the people go through. On Tuesday, Nov. 6, vote for Richard Purcell for Ward 3 City Council in Holyoke.
Thanks for reading,
Shannen Anthony
Ward 3, Holyoke
Richard Purcell reporting for duty...
Rick in full military dress for a ceremony honoring veterans, 4 Nov. 2007.
Vote for Rick Purcell in the MassLive online poll.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Pre-Election Party Sun. 11/4
Pre-Election Party and opportunity to meet with Rick Purcell, Candidate for Ward 3 City Council: Sunday, November 4, 1-3 pm
Hosted by Ward 3 voter Luis Hernandez and family in the backyard of their apartment building at 534 South St.
All are welcome. Food & drink served. DJ'd music by Luis. For more info, contact Leslie at 413-522-1559.
Fiesta antes de la elección: domingo, 4 noviembre, 2007
1-3pm, 534 South St. (atras del apto. de Luis Hernandez y su familia.)
Conocer a Rick Purcell - Candidato para City Council en Distr. 3
*Alimento libre por Salsarengue.
Para más información: (413) 538-8791
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Rick walks with 12,000 in the Rays of Hope walk

Rick Purcell, candidate for the ward 3 city council seat in Holyoke, walked as one of the 12,000 participants in the 2007 Rays of Hope Walk Against Breast Cancer.
More from Masslive...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Candidate forum & debate Wed. 10/24
Fri. Oct. 26 5pm
Sat. Oct. 27 12pm
Sun. Oct. 28 5pm
Mon. Oct. 29 7pm
Sun. Nov. 4 5pm
HOLYOKE - Residents will have a chance this week to learn first-hand about the candidates running for election in the Nov. 6 election. A candidate forum will be held on Wednesday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Holyoke High School.
From MassLive: Candidates spar at forum
Candidate forum set in Holyoke
Monday, October 22, 2007
Rick Purcell Gains Endorsement and Support

Rick Purcell Gains Endorsement and Support
Contact Richard Purcell at (413) 374-5118 or (413) 538-8791
October 22, 2007
Holyoke, MA—Richard P. Purcell, candidate for the Ward 3 City Council seat, has gained the endorsement of the Pioneer Valley Central Labor Council (PVCLC), AFL-CIO, which is a voluntary federation of over 50 labor unions with members across the southern Pioneer Valley. The PVCLC's jurisdiction includes the greater Springfield, MA area and all towns in Hampden County, Massachusetts, including many workers in Holyoke, MA. The mission of the PVCLC/AFL-CIO is to improve the lives of working families, to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our nation. To accomplish this mission these organizations are dedicated to building and changing the American labor movement.
"I come from a working-class family that struggled to make ends meet and I know how many obstacles there are for families in Holyoke to find the American dream we hear so much about. Our city is really struggling to help bring its residents out of poverty--more than a 1/4 of our residents and 50% of our schoolchildren are living below the poverty line," said Ward 3 candidate, Rick Purcell.
"Labor unions are an important ingredient in helping families in Holyoke to realize the American dream. Labor unions give workers a voice on the job about safety, security, pay and benefits. Latinos working in union jobs earn 46% more than their counterparts working non-union jobs; women earn 31% more when they work union jobs. Eighty percent of union workers have health insurance as compared to 50% of those without unions," said Purcell.
"We endorsed Rick because he'll be a champion for working families in Holyoke. We've thrown the support of our 35,000 members in Western MA behind his candidacy," said Rick Brown, President, PVCLC/AFL-CIO.
In addition to the endorsements of PVCLC and UAW Local 2322, Rick Purcell has gained the support of former Ward 6 City Councilor Mark Lubold. In an open letter to voters in Ward 3, Lubold writes that he knows "what it takes to effectively represent the residents of a district and Richard has what it takes. Richard is a hard-worker, he has knowledge of the issues, and he will be a STRONG voice for all the residents of Ward 3."
"I know Richard will keep after city departments to take care of issues that reduce your quality of life. It may be trash, or crime, or snow removal--Richard will be there for you to make your neighborhood a better place to live," said former councilor Lubold.
Purcell is running for Ward 3 City Council in Holyoke. For more information, go to .
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Mark Lubold writes letter of support for Rick

Former city councilor from ward 6 and former candidate for Mayor Mark Lubold has written a letter of support for Rick.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Meet and greet and campaign fundraiser Oct. 20

Meet Rick Purcell, candidate for Holyoke city council in ward 3.
Campaign meet and greet and fundraiser.
548 South Street
Food will be served, $5 and up sliding scale donation please.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
UAW Local Endorses Rick Purcell for Ward 3 City Council Seat

UAW Local Endorses Rick Purcell for Ward 3 City Council Seat
Contact Richard Purcell at (413) 374-5118 or (413) 538-8791
October 10, 2007
Holyoke, MA—Richard P. Purcell, candidate for the Ward 3 City Council seat, has gained the endorsement of the United Auto Workers (UAW) CAP (Community Action Program) Council. The UAW Local 2322 is based in Holyoke, MA, and represents 3600 workers in the area, primarily in the fields of early childhood and higher education, health care and human services.
"The UAW's endorsement of my candidacy is important to me because I know that union workers built America. Union workers fought for and won improvements that we all now take for granted, like the minimum wage, the 40 hour week, social security and the end of child labor. When unions lose ground in this country, the results are clear: the rich become richer, the poor become poorer and the middle class all but disappears" said Ward 3 candidate, Rick Purcell.
"One of UAW Local 2322's largest units of workers, those at the Sisters of Providence Behavioral Health Hospital, have been unionized for over ten years and have helped to raise the standard for wages and benefits for healthcare workers in the area. These workers are, through their example of leadership, showing us how to improve the workplace and keep good jobs in the city."
"Clearly, increasing the standard of living among working families in the city is a key to improving life for all of us in Holyoke. Unions can play a role in this effort—union workers earn 30 percent more than nonunion workers on average and provide workers with a democratic voice at work. When Holyoke was a thriving manufacturing city, it was also a thriving union city—this is our legacy but it can also be a roadmap to our future," said Purcell.
"The UAW is proud to endorse and support an individual of Richard's character, someone who has served his country and who we are confident will serve the citizens of Holyoke and bring new ideas to Holyoke politics when elected, " said Ron Patenaude, President, UAW Local 2322.
Purcell is running for Ward 3 City Council in Holyoke. For more information, go to .
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Holyoke Youth Task Force Candidate Forum
City Council candidates fielded questions from the Holyoke Youth Task Force, a consortium of more than a dozen youth organizations in Holyoke. The speakers introduced themselves
[You can listen to Rick's intro in the video below...] and answered questions about Holyoke's policy on homeless people, how to fix the potholes in Holyoke's streets, how to provide better public transportation, what to do about alcohol and tobacco advertising, and more. Photos from the event....
Video courtesy of Luis Bosch